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Gatsby site breaks while typing gatsby command

December 02, 2019 6:37am - 1 min read

Last updated on: March 30, 2020 2:38pm

I was trying to install offline plugin to support offline functionalities in this site.

npm install --save gatsby-plugin-offline

After installing the offline plugin, in my terminal, it shows I have some issues in some of my npm packages and it asking to fix using npm audit fix. I typed this code and then I typed gatsby develop to run my site in my localhost and then I received the following messages!

After searching in Google, I found this link https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/19064

The proposed solution most of them said is deleting the node_modules directory and lock file and install again. I thought I would give a shot.

package-lock.json and
node_modules folder and then
run the command: npm i

It seems it didn’t find any vulnerabilities now after fresh installations!

And gatsby develop runs without any issues.

Last updated on: March 30, 2020 2:38pm